Our Building Resilience to Flooding in Wales by 2050 was originally conceived in the 2021 Co-operation Agreement report and is the culmination of this Commission’s ‘Year 2’ work. We have thought about what Wales flooding environment might be like in 2050, together with research on spatial responses, resourcing and land use planning.

The reports from these individual pieces of research can be found here:

The information in the research reports has been supplemented by insight gained from NICW engaging with other stakeholders directly. 

The report fulfils part of NICW’s remit to analyse, advise and make recommendations to the Welsh Government on Wales’ longer term strategic economic and environmental infrastructure needs over a 5–80-year period.  

The report contains NICWs recommendations to Welsh Ministers on how changes can be made to the strategic flooding in Wales which minimises the continued risk of flooding to homes, businesses and communities by 2050 . It is expected that the Welsh Government will respond ‘in due course’ to the Commission’s recommendations. 

A summary of our recommendations

Governance, Structures and Policy

  1. Water Commissioner
    By 2026, establish a new Water Commissioner with sufficient powers to be able to implement our recommended outcomes.
  2. 30 Year Strategy
    By 2026, create a long-term 30- year national flood & coastal erosion resilience strategy, building on a 30-year vision for flood resilience.
  3. Nature As A Stakeholder
    By 2028, set up the mechanisms to incorporate nature as a key stakeholder within flooding policy and implementation.
  4. Land Use Planning
    Avoid development on flood risk areas
  5. Catchment Partnerships
    By 2026, pilot and set up regional/ local Catchment partnerships

Collaboration, Partnerships and Community

  1. Wales Water Resilience Forum and Community Resilience Groups
    By 2027, establish a new Water Resilience Forum for Wales along with community resilience groups.
  2. Catchment Resilience Strategies
    By 2026, streamline Flood & Coastal Erosion Risk Management plans into catchment resilience strategies.
  3. Community Involvement
    Involve communities in decision-making processes related to flood resilience.

Funding and Capacity

  1. Climate Change Adaptation Fund
    By 2026, Set up a new cross-sector climate change adaptation and resilience fund.
  2. FCERM Investment Programme
    Extend and align the current FCERM investment programme.
  3. Funding Sources
    Explore and diversify funding sources to offer an alternative to conventional funding streams.
  4. Nature-Based Solutions
    Set up a taskforce to explore how the uptake of nature-based solutions can be scaled and landscapes can be adapted to a future climate.
  5. Householder Grants
    Welsh Government to provide subsidies to private homeowners with the least means to build flood resilience at the property level.

Awareness, Skills and Data

  1. Curriculum and Public Awareness
    Increase awareness of flooding and climate change impacts in schools via the curriculum; and with the public through a national education campaign.
  2. Skills
    Support the development of blue skills and a new discipline for Water Environments and establish apprenticeships for the sector.
  3. Community Training
    Provide training and support for local councillors, town councils, and community councils on flood resilience
  4. Data
    Establish open and transparent access to data allowing communities access to open-source data so they understand flood risk better