Eluned Parrott

Eluned Parrott has built a successful executive and political career across a wide range of sectors, including transport, education and skills, the third sector and public services. She is a Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Marketing. Eluned lives in the Vale of Glamorgan.

Head and shoulders shot of Eluned Parrott

Declarations of interest

DirectorshipsParrott Communications
Partnership with spouse/partner
Remunerated employmentWelsh Liberal Democrats, management consultancy
Via Parrott Communications, contracts with:
34/7 Communications, Coriolis Energy
Transport for Wales /Keolis Amey, Interim External Affairs & Future Generations Advisor
Institute of Physics, Director (Wales)
Spouse/partner works for Swansea University
Gifts, hospitality etcNo declarations
Land & propertyNo declarations
Bodies in receipt of WG fundsNo declarations
Membership of societiesNo declarations
Other declarationsMember of the National Botanic Garden of Wales
Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Marketing
Associate Member of the Institute of Directors