Flooding workstream 2 – Strategic and spatial responses
The purpose of this workstream is to review existing catchment planning and other spatial / strategic practices currently occurring across Wales to learn the lessons from existing partnerships. This study will look to pinpoint barriers and seek to make recommendations on how these may be overcome and explore proposing structures and resources for enabling strategic, integrated partnership working at a catchment / coastal zone scale.
The key engagement messages for this workstream are:
- Why isn’t coastal/catchment planning/partnership working happening more across Wales?
- Where is it happening and working?
- How can coastal/catchment working be set up to achieve long-term and multi-benefit outcomes? e.g. 100-year time horizons & resilience to climate hazards
- What needs to change to unlock effective coastal/catchment planning and partnership working?
JBA Consulting are undertaking this work on behalf of the Commission. If you would like to know more about this, please contact Jenny Broomby at Jenny.Broomby@jbaconsulting.com