Flooding workstream 3 – Resourcing

The purpose of this workstream is to work with stakeholders in scoping out the current issues regarding resourcing flood risk management in Wales. This includes workforce and finance. This would take further forward work already undertaken by the Wales Flood and Coastal Erosion Committee.

The key engagement messages for this workstream are:

  • Our research approach is firstly based on establishing a baseline and current status quo of roles, statutory obligations and existing processes for risk identification and project delivery.
  • We want to produce innovative solutions to standing problems, but first we need to have an accurate and detailed understanding of the roles, tasks and processes of all stakeholders. We want to encourage a holistic and participatory engagement process.
  • We are aware that both resources and finance are two of the biggest barriers to ensuring effective and long-term flood risk management, so we are seeking to effectively explore the nuances around these issues.
  • Within the context of these barriers, we encourage participants to consider what are the challenges they face on a regular basis, as well as what they think long-term issues may be. In this sense, and for the sake of identifying truly innovative solutions, we want to encourage participants and attendees to be open-minded, ambitious and creative.

Miller Research are undertaking this work on behalf of the Commission. If you would like to know more about this, please contact Emilio Solis at Emilio@miller-research.co.uk