Meeting notes 27 February 2023

Gregynog Hall, Powys



David Clubb, Chair
Jenifer Baxter, Deputy Chair
Helen Armstrong, Commissioner
Aleena Khan, Commissioner
Eurgain Powell, Commissioner
Eluned Parrott, Commissioner
Steve Brooks, Commissioner


Stuart Ingram, NICW Secretariat
Nicola Britton, NICW Secretariat


Nick Tune, Commissioner

Welcome and declarations of interest

The Chair welcomed commissioners to the meeting with a check-in, celebration of success, declarations and invitations.

The Deputy Chair she has been appointed as the Chief Executive of Industry Wales, starting on 18 March. She discussed some aspects of her new role and is confident there will be no direct conflict with her role in NICW as she will not be working on individual projects, but instead focusing on the strategic direction of the organisation. However she will keep the situation under review and inform NIW if she does become involved in investment activity.

The Deputy Chair will be attending the Mineral Products Association March seminar.

Eluned Parrot introduced a safety moment concerning a new student safety contract she is aware of as part of her role in the Institute of Physics. The sub-contractor has not undertaken appropriate risk assessment, particularly with regard to disabled students. The chair noted the issue of complex procurement practices can create a lessening of standards and this is something he would like NICW to be mindful of.


The action tracker was noted and updated with the Deputy Chair re-considering the action on the Just Transition consultation and the Chair will discuss feedback from the spring 2023 RTPI events with Steve Brooks .

The Secretariat report was noted.

The first draft of a risk register was noted. It was agreed a separate meeting to finalise is to be arranged.


Consider handling of reports from spring 2023 RTPI event: Chair & Steve Brooks

Arrange meeting to finalise risk register: Secretariat

Consultation responses/ policy updates

The Just Transition Framework consultation was discussed and it was suggested a comparison with the Scottish Just Transition be undertaken. The deputy chair agreed to relook at the welsh framework in that context.

Future work programme updates

Year 1 Renewable Energy Report
It was noted a formal response had still not been received from the Welsh Government. Commissioners discussed what action could be taken to expedite a response, once a new Ministerial team is in place.

Year 2 Flood Research Procurement
Eluned Parrott updated the group on progress noting delivery of the projects will be at the end of March and that input on the draft reports will take place throughout the month. Complexity within the sector and living water are emerging as clear themes and the links to the developing year 3 existential risk project were briefly explored.

Year 3 Development of approach to existential risk.

A briefing session with Cynnal Cymru has been arranged for 15 March to discuss emerging findings prior to the delivery of the final report.

Other issues

IWA Infrastructure Futures essay collection
The Secretariat will provide an update in the coming weeks.

Feedback from session with CCEI Committee
The chair and deputy briefly updated the meeting about the session, which they thought went well.

Feedback from session with the Deputy Minister
The Minster was able to confirm a budget for running costs and asked that future projects are submitted for sign off and budget allocation.


An underspend of £40k was noted for 23/24. Proposals for 24/25 will need to be agreed early in the financial year and a meeting arranged with the successor to John Howells, who is retiring at the end of March.

The chair asked commissioners to indicate if they would wish to extend their terms to ensure delivery of the Year 2 report and the year 3 project.

Indicate if term to be extended to December 2025 : All

General discussion

The deputy chair updated Commissioners about discussions she has had on National Grid with WG policy teams. It was noted the most effective at this stage should focus on how Wales can influence Westminster and NG. Wales week at Westminster was seen as a important way to exercise ‘soft power’