Meeting notes 26 September 2023

Bute Parc Education centre, Cardiff



Dr David Clubb, Chair
Jenifer Baxter Deputy Chair
Eurgain Powell Commissioner
Helen Armstrong Commissioner
Aleena Khan, Commissioner
Steve Brooks, Commissioner
Nick Tune, Commissioner


Stuart Ingram, NICW Secretariat


Eluned Parrott, Commissioner
Nicola Britton, NICW Secretariat

Welcome and declarations of interest

The Chair welcomed commissioners to the meeting with a check-in, celebration of success, declarations and invitations. The following new declarations of interest were noted and would appear on the register where appropriate:

  • David Clubb, Working with Chwarae Teg on Board training
  • Jen Baxter, Working with British Gas Energy Trust on the impacts of grants on fuel poverty
  • Nick Tune, potential to be working with Milford Haven Port Authority through Optimise AI
  • Steve Brooks Has taken on a new role on the Assets and Development Committee at Trivalis

The Chair reflected on the recent incident of him starting a Senedd petition and it being picked up by certain outlets with reference to his Welsh Government appointed position. It was noted that this was undertaken in a personal capacity and not as his role as Chair.

The successful RTPI/NICW Infrastructure Bill event was noted and it was cited as being invaluable for the Chair and Steve Brooks to give evidence to the Senedd Committee.


The action tracker was noted and updated.

Commissioner updates

Eurgain Powell and Helen Armstrong reported they had attended an event organised by the Future Leaders Forum on 2100 Futures. This was a youth-led organisation and it established a work plan of activities including undertaking a review of the Wellbeing of Future Generations Act, 10 years after its passing.

Consultation responses/ policy updates

No new responses were noted. It was discussed if future NICW thought pieces might be needed on the 20mph roads issue and the WG budget process.

The Chair took the opportunity to bring forward discussion on NICWs twitter/X account. It was agreed that this platform would no longer be used and a blog post would be issued to that end. It was discussed that a quarterly newsletter could be a good way of disseminating information on NICWs work.


The Twitter / X platform would not be used in the future

The Chair will publish a blog post on this subject

Future work programme updates

Renewable Energy Report

Commissioners were informed of the pending renewable energy report launch on 17th October. Invitations, media handling and the format of the event were discussed.

Year 2 Flood Research Procurement

Eurgain Powell updated the group that the 4 workstream contracts had now been issued and preliminary work was ongoing with regards to co-ordinating engagement. A PAG meeting had been held to introduce the work programmes. Eurgain Powell and Eluned Parrott had also been invited to speak to the Flood Committee on this work.

Year 3 Development of approach to existential risk.

Helen Armstrong and Steve Brooks updated the group that work was ongoing to issue and call for evidence on this issue. A tender for an organisation to help support this work was also being issued this week.

Futures work

Progress on NICWs Futures thinking and training was discussed. It was noted that a meeting with the Met Office has been arranged. Helen Armstrong and Eurgain Powell were to meet with Susie Ventris-field from WCIA and Sara Elias from PHW/FGC to further discuss options.

Annual report

The 2022/23 Annual Report was discussed. A draft structure would be prepared and Commissioners would be asked to contribute where appropriate. The document will not be launched with an event in Climate Week, however a video will be produced highlighting the work which has been undertaken by the Commission over the past year.

Autumn 2023 north east Wales visit

The Secretariat reported that arrangements for the Commission to visit North East Wales on 7/8th were in hand. Hydrogen would be the main focus of the visit. Commissioners commented that it might be beneficial to meet with the North Wales Transport Commission as well. This would be examined.

